Make sure to check this page regularly because it’s where we announce all the extra activities organised at our museum.
Storyteller in the TESO Pavilion
Every Tuesday and Thursday, our TESO storyteller is present with beautiful and interesting stories.

Nú: mini-expositie: De Egmondse vluchtelingenboot
Je ziet rugtassen, kleding, schoenen, een ketting, foto's en zelfs een zwangerschapsecho.
Deze persoonlijke spullen liggen in oktober 2022 op een groene rubberboot die aanspoelt op het strand van Egmond aan Zee. Er zitten op dat moment geen mensen op het bootje, maar die hebben er zeker wel opgezeten.
De tientallen voorwerpen zijn nat, zanderig en ruiken naar benzine. Ze komen uit landen als Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Albanië, Griekenland, Duitsland en Frankrijk. Het heeft er alles van weg dat ze van een groep vluchtelingen zijn geweest. Waar waren zij in die koude oktobernacht met dit bootje op de Noordzee onderweg naartoe en wat is er met deze mensen gebeurd?
Journalist Maaike Polder raakt in de ban van de spullen en gaat op zoek naar het verhaal erachter. Samen met de Egmondse strandvonder Marco onderzoekt ze bijvoorbeeld de foto van de jongen met de zwarte haren, de roze etui, medicijnen en de babyscan. Van de zoektocht maakt ze een podcast en zo komt ze erachter dat tienduizenden migranten in kleine bootjes de Noordzee oversteken naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk. En dat is een gevaarlijke tocht.
Met de aangespoelde spullen reist Maaike van Egmond via Noord-Frankrijk over het Kanaal naar Engeland. Gaat ze de mensen van de groene rubberboot vinden?
Beluister de podcast
Je luistert de podcast De Egmondse vluchtelingenboot op de nieuwssite van NH via www.nhnieuws.nl/vluchtelingenboot of scan de QR-code.
Exhibition ‘Container Shipping’
Over the last decades, many containers have fallen off ships and often their cargo has washed ashore on beaches, including Texel beach. Some of the things found here: shoes, cosmetics, small sledges, cans of milk powder and bags of nuts. Another ‘interesting’ time was when lots of cartons of cigarettes of the Hollywood brand spilled onto the beach from damaged containers. All of Texel was dragging these cigarettes around. We also have a sweater on display knitted by a Texel lady from bales of cotton from a container washed ashore in 1982.
Recently, the MSC Zoë container ship lost over 300 containers off the coast of Terschelling. The beaches of Terschelling, Ameland en Schiermonnikoog were scattered with goods that had washed ashore. Some of them also ended up on Texel beach, such as children’s coats, car parts and small chairs, which are all displayed in the new ‘Container Shipping’ exhibition. This exhibition runs throughout 2020.

Exhibition ‘Container Shipping’
Over the last decades, many containers have fallen off ships and often their cargo has washed ashore on beaches, including Texel beach. Some of the things found here: shoes, cosmetics, small sledges, cans of milk powder and bags of nuts. Another ‘interesting’ time was when lots of cartons of cigarettes of the Hollywood brand spilled onto the beach from damaged containers. All of Texel was dragging these cigarettes around. We also have a sweater on display knitted by a Texel lady from bales of cotton from a container washed ashore in 1982.
Recently, the MSC Zoë container ship lost over 300 containers off the coast of Terschelling. The beaches of Terschelling, Ameland en Schiermonnikoog were scattered with goods that had washed ashore. Some of them also ended up on Texel beach, such as children’s coats, car parts and small chairs, which are all displayed in the new ‘Container Shipping’ exhibition. This exhibition runs throughout 2020.

Exhibition ‘Container Shipping’
Over the last decades, many containers have fallen off ships and often their cargo has washed ashore on beaches, including Texel beach. Some of the things found here: shoes, cosmetics, small sledges, cans of milk powder and bags of nuts. Another ‘interesting’ time was when lots of cartons of cigarettes of the Hollywood brand spilled onto the beach from damaged containers. All of Texel was dragging these cigarettes around. We also have a sweater on display knitted by a Texel lady from bales of cotton from a container washed ashore in 1982.
Recently, the MSC Zoë container ship lost over 300 containers off the coast of Terschelling. The beaches of Terschelling, Ameland en Schiermonnikoog were scattered with goods that had washed ashore. Some of them also ended up on Texel beach, such as children’s coats, car parts and small chairs, which are all displayed in the new ‘Container Shipping’ exhibition. This exhibition runs throughout 2020.
Go on a beachcomber adventure with our beachcomber experience!
Inside and outside you walk the exciting beachcombers route
and solve all questions in a playful way.
Or will you go looking with Karel the crab?
Karel the crab is going to the beach for a day
and take all your stuff,
can you find them in the museum?
Along the way you will also come across fun games
and you end up in our playground.